During the search of Sita on the Luv Kush stage
New Delhi| On Friday, Arjun Kumar, president of the famous Luv Kush Leela Committee, Red Fort Ground, Delhi, said that under the supervision of Bollywood's famous action director Manoj Kangra, Ganpati Maharaj landed on the stage at the place of Leela in Akash Marg with a crane touching the sky of 200 feet, after which Ganesh worship And after the aarti, the Leela started. President
According to the statement given by , Shri Arjun Kumar said that in today's Leela, a very beautiful stunt was performed by Sino, in which the fierce pollution war took place in the sky, the same Ravana Jatayu war took place in the air (with the latest technology and security arrangements).
In the search for Mother Sita, Lord Shri Ram Jagatani, waiting for Mother Sita, took arrows from Agastyamuni, while searching for Mother Sita in the forests, at that time he found 8 cheetahs from Kuno National Park. The cheetahs bowed down in front of Lord Shri Ram.
The Leela concluded with Panchavatijayanta episode, Supanakha episode, Khar Dushan slaughter, Marich slaughter, Sita's fire entry, Sita Haran Jatayu salvation and Lord Shri Ram's grand aarti.
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