Akshay Kumar on Sunday morning announced that he had been infected with coronavirus. It is reported that after Akshay Kumar's health deteriorated, he was admitted to the hospital.
Bollywood Actor Akshay Kumar is fighting a war with the coronavirus these days. He had told on sunday morning that he had been infected with coronavirus. It is reported that after Akshay Kumar's health deteriorated, he was admitted to Hiranandani Hospital in Powai, Mumbai.
Akshay Kumar, in his tweet informing the fans that he has been infected with the Covid-19 wrote, 'I want to tell all of you that I have been infected with Covid-19 this morning. I am following all the protocols. I immediately isolated myself. I am quarantined at home and following all necessary precautions. '
Many fans and all the social media users responded to his tweet, wishing him, to get well soon. Recently, Akshay Kumar started filming for his much-talked film Ram Setu. He will appear in the film with actress Jacqueline Fernandes and Nusrat Bharucha in the lead roles.
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