All adults allowed to be vaccinated from 19 April. Biden urged Americans to take precautionary measures, saying the country had not yet been able to strike and could face more problems before July 4.
US President Joe Biden announced on 6 April, Tuesday that all American adults will be receive the Covid-19 vaccine from April 19 but warned that with new coronavirus variants spreading “we are in a race for life and death” with the coronavirus epidemic. According to information received from Xinhua, Joe Biden visited vaccination spots in Alexandria, Virginia, and from April 19, he allowed all US adults to be vaccinated. May 1 had been set earlier, but he ordered her to start the vaccination process about two weeks ahead of time.
Joe Biden said that 150 million (1.5 million) doses of the vaccine were given to senior citizens during his first 75-day period. During this tenure 75 percent of the senior citizens were given at least one dose of vaccine. He said that he hopes that by the time he completes the 100-day period, he will have crossed the 200 million (two crore) vaccination figure.
Biden urged Americans to take precautionary measures, saying the country had not yet been able to overcome the epidemic and could face many problems before July 4.A few weeks ago, Biden called on states and territories to prepare all US adults for vaccination before May 1.
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