Biden to choose Katherine Tai, First Asian-American woman as Trade Representative.
On Wednesday, US media unveiled President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee for the post of US Trade Representative. China expert, Katherine Tai will be serving as nation’s top negotiator as planned by the newly elected administration. With every day falling off the calendar, Biden is declaring his cabinet, gathering candidates from professionally qualified backgrounds irrespective of their gender, race, caste etc. This way he is accommodating opinions and support from people with variable ideologies, integrating and channelizing their views for smooth functioning.
The first Asian-American, Katherine Tai will replace Robert Lightthizer as US Trade Representative (USTR) in the new administration, as suggested by the reports. The assertion also sets an experienced trade lawyer on the frontend to repair relations with US trading partners, after they were wrecked and upended under Donald Trump’s Presidency, which had a short-sighted and aggressive vision of “America First” policy. This has led to egregious trade war with China.
Being the fourth woman to serve in the cabinet level role, Tai, a graduate from Yale and Harvard law is currently working as the chief trade lawyer for the House Ways and Means Committee. In the past, she served in the office of USTR general counsel and tackled China trade issues. Legislators of both parties recommended her for the post after being impressed by her diligent service in the USMCA trade pact with Canada and Mexico. Sources revealed that progressive Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio remarked her as “the most qualified candidate for the post.” Taking to his twitter handle, he appreciated Tai’s dedicated role in the USMCA pact last year and glorified her excellence.
Tai will take charge of China Trade Policy, which Biden has decided to keep intact for initial months in office. In addition to this, she will oversee the USMCA agreement, a colossal dispute with European Union over Boeing and Airbus.
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