Biden's first week ratings on an all time high

Biden's first week ratings were higher than Trump's ever was

After swearing in as US President, Joe Biden undertook several overwhelming and promising measures in major sectors of development. His efforts were both well comprehended and appreciated by citizens around the nation which was well reflected in his first week ratings. After the first week of service, Biden has a higher approval rating in office than Donald Trump achieved in his entire presidency as declared by a new poll on Wednesday. After the Democrat's huge victory in the 2020 US Elections against Republican rival Trump, the Biden-Harris administration aimed to amend and adopt policies in the best interests of the public.

A Monmouth University poll study displayed that 54% of Americans were satisfied with Biden's first week performance while 30% disapproved. Trump's presidency witnessed an average as low as 40s and on the day of his departure January 20, he received 34% approval. On the other hand, a Morning consult tracking poll announced that 56% of citizens approved of Biden's administration while 34% disagreed. Another poll run by Hill-Harris X declared 63% approval in favour of Biden.

Even after huge support and appreciation prevalent in the US about Democrats, the results depict severe polarization in the country following Trump's four year term. Restricting to Monmouth Poll, Biden gained 90% approval accounting for 47% from independents and 15% from Republicans. "Although there is more support for Biden than Trump ever got, it breaks down to partisan lines. Currently, more citizens identify as Democrats than Republicans," said Patrick Murray, director of Monmouth University Polling Institute.

As per the records on, Trump was the first US president in half a century, devoid of honeymoon period with better polls in the first six months. Barack Obama received 60% approval in his first half year while George W. Bush had 53.9%. On the contrary, Trump only had 41.4% in the first six months. 


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