Health Officials Of Beijing aims to have a mass test after having six cases on Sunday
China, Beijing: Health officials of the capital of China Beijing on Monday aims to test more than nine million Chinese residents of the port of Qingdao after having six cases of COVID-19 positives, it will be the first known mass testing in months of the disease.
Corona virus was unfortunately made in the labs of Wuhan, China. The 26-kilobase virus has swallowed millions of people. The globe is suffering from the virus.
Earlier, China has controlled its outbreak, cutting a stark contrast to many parts of the world still afflicted by rolling lock-downs and high case numbers.
The country has extensive, quick test capabilities. The health officials have also ensured the public about the equipment and facilities they have. Over 140,000 employees of medicines are working day and night. The new patients admitted has confirmed the cases.
The health minister stated on Monday that On Sunday six cases of Covid-19 have confirmed in Qingdao, China and it is a northeastern city of 9.4 million citizens, originating in a hospital.
According to the statement by health minister it also stated that Five districts will be tested "within three days" and the whole city "within five days."
During a survey of June 2020, in areas of Beijing China, over 20 million were tested COVID-19 positive just due to the food market.
It is going to be a year, that the virus hit the areas of Wuhan, China due to COVID-19. Almost a year after the virus has bounced back to the streets of the country.
Beijing ensures the citizens to deliver the first antidotes vaccine for the terrifying virus - COVID-19.
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