The world's Most Prestigious Film Gathering...
Deepika Padukone, who made her red carpet debut at the Cannes Film Festival in 2017, has been a regular at the festival in the recent years. She is now officially a member of the Cannes Film Festival Jury. Deepika is the only Indian to be a part of the exclusive and very illustrious jury for the 75th Festival De Cannes.
The world's most prestigious film gathering, the Cannes Film Festival showcases the best global films which enhance the development of cinema and promote the development of the global film industry.
The official Twitter account of Cannes 2022 made the announcement on their handle. That shared a picture collage of Deepika Padukone, along with the other members of the jury. Deepika will be a part of the eight member jury of the international competition.
Taking to their official Twitter handle, the Cannes Film Festival made a post, the tweet read - "French actor Vincent Lindon is the Jury President of the 75th Festival De Cannes! Along with his eight jury members, he will reward one of the 21 films in Competition with the Palme d'or, on Saturday May 28, during the Closing Ceremony. #Cannes2022
In a statement posted on Cannes's official website, Lindon said the jury "will strive to take the best possible care of the films of the future." He was quoted as saying, "It is a great honor and source of pride to be entrusted, in the midst of the tumult of all the events we are going through the world, with the splendid, weighty task of chairing the Jury of the 75th International Cannes Film Festival. With my Jury, we will strive to take the best possible care of the films of the future, all of which carry the same secret hope of courage, loyalty and freedom, with a mission to move the greatest number of women and men by speaking to them of their common wounds and joys. Culture helps the human soul to rise and hope for tomorrow."
Celebrating her achievement, Deepika Padukone took to her Instagram stories to express her gratitude as she got named as a member of the jury at the Cannes Film Festival. The actress expressed her gratitude with folded hands.
The 36 - year - old actress - cum - enterpreneur was earlier the chairperson of the Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival for two years. Deepika found fame with her 2007 film "Om Shanti Om", co - starring Shah Rukh Khan. Besides acting, she has also donned the producer's hat with her production banner Ka Productions - that has backed films like - 'Chhapaak' and '83'.
On the work front, Padukone has the movie Pathan with superstar Shah Rukh Khan and John Abraham. The movie is directed by Siddharth Anand and backed by Yash Raj Films. With over 30 feature films to her credit, Padukone was recently seen in Shakun Batra - directional - 'Gehraiyaan'.
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