Artificial Intelligence Vs Human Intelligence
Elon Musk had once warned humans that the Artificial Intelligence will take over them within the next 5 years, The forecast marks a significant revision of the earlier estimations
of the simulated technological singularity when machine intelligence surpasses human intelligence and advances at an unimaginable rate.limelight as more businesses realize the potential of these technologies.
The high demand of Ai in the recent years has seen an incredible comeback creating more job opportunities in this field. According to the World Economic Forum’s Report The AI enabled automation
will generate 133 million jobs globally by 2022. In India the demand for AI talent pool has advanced in the last couple of years .This is largely credited towards the steps taken by the government towards digitization and the arrival of multinational companies in the country . Large companies are running huge capital to acquire the skilled AI professionals, paying them good salaries.
So the Ai is dominating in every field today from Banking and Payments,E-commerce, supply chain and logistics to Marketing and almost everywhere.
Working of AI
Artificial Intelligence is a complicated field with many components and techniques which are used to achieve the final result- An Intelligent Machine.
AI was developed by studying the way the human brain actually thinks ,learns and then decides after applying to those living systems to the computers. As Opposed to classical computing, where the coders provide the exact inputs and outputs and logic, Artificial intelligence is based on providing a machine inputs and a chosen outcome, that lets the machine develop its own path to achieve its
set of goals. This frequently allows the computers to optimize a situation better than humans such as Optimizing Chain logistics and streamlining financial process.
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