Climate conservationist detained in Garzweiler 2...
On Tuesday Greta Thurnberg and other climate conservationists were detained during protests against the demolition of the coal village of Luetzerath. Thunberg was detained while protesting at the opencast coal mine of Garzweiler 2, some 9 kilometres (5.6 miles) from Luetzerath.
The police said that the arrest was not a formal one and they had taken Greta only to ask some questions. The interrogation lasted a few hours before they had released the few activists they had taken for interrogation.
The German government had been planning to clear the village under which there were abundance of fossil fuel to clear and make way for coal mines. The climate change activists are completely against it and want the government to let the coal sit untouched underground. According to them, the steps taken by the government is against the mandate of Genany to reduce coal-fired power by 2030, bringing forward the date from 2038.
Tensions between police and climate protesters escalated on Saturday, with officers using water cannon and batons to disperse the activists. Around 20 protesters were injured and taken to hospital, according to a medic with the activist group. Hundreds of officers cleared around 300 activists from Lützerath in an operation that began on Wednesday. Police say they removed activists waiting in treehouses, a day after clashes broke out between both sides.
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