Kajal Aggarwal Plans to unwind With Gautam Kitchlu After Her' "Six Weeks Of 16-Hour Work" Schedule
Indian actress and model Kajal Aggarwal had a busy schedule from the last couple of weeks, she worked for her new project title Uma and now, all she needs is a vacation with her husband Gautam Kitchlu to reboost herself. She gave all the information on her Instagram post on Tuesday.Kajal Aggarwal disclosed she had been working for 16 hours and now she needed a break and make memories with Gautam Kitchlu. She wrote on her post that "After an intense six weeks of 16-hour work days, can't wait to take a break with Gautam Kitchlu” Craving a vacation, Kajal Aggarwal compiled some of her favourite travel memories with her husband into a montage, reliving fond memories.
She uploaded her pictures and video from Maldives and Kashmir diaries along with the caption “ can’t wait to take a break with @kitchlug - let’s do all of this and more, again. Soonnnnn!”
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