Kareena Kapoor Khan posted photo on her Instagram official account with a caption "New Beginning."
Actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, who recently got her first book published as a writer, has now turned a producer. She has joined hands with Ekta Kapoor to produce filmmaker Hansal Mehta's next project. Announcing it on social media, Kareena shared a photo of herself with Ekta Kapoor and Hansal Mehta along with a caption: “New beginnings”. In addition to being the producer of the untitled film, Kareena will also star in it. The film is set in the UK and is inspired by real events. Further details of the film have not been disclosed for the time being.
Filmmaker Hansal Mehta, known for directing critically acclaimed films such as CityLights, Aligarh, Omerta and Shahid, also announced his new project on social media. He shared the same photo and wrote, "They are amazing women and I am delighted to work with them (and to be in the same frame as them). We look forward to this trip."
Ekta Kapoor's caption for the film announcement post read: "Working with some of the best and most talented people Kareena Kapoor and Hansal Mehta ... I can't wait to start this exciting journey together!"
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