Khushi Kapoor wore a crop top-lehenga ensemble that came off professional designer Anita Dongre's wardrobe.
Khushi Kapoor attended Antara's baby shower in a pastel blue color lehenga in contrast with off-white crop top. Her stylist Tanya Ghavri and many members of the Kapoor clan shared photos of the ceremony on Instagram and caused a sensation.
Khushi Kapoor wore a crop top-lehenga ensemble that came off professional designer Anita Dongre's wardrobe. She channeled subtle spring vibes into the pretty ensemble.
The ensemble consisted of a modern white crop-top blouse topped with a unique side-swept drape that extended over one shoulder creating a sheer faux dupatta effect. Her skirt was a high waisted number that combined many intricate prints, from floral to geometric in blue and white which had an asymmetrical shape. Defined brows, glowing skin and gentle waves rounded off the look. The modernist lehenga was paired with a delicate chain, statement earrings and matching bracelets. She left her locks parted in a central part and styled them into soft curls. It is a perfect look to attend a spring wedding.
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