On Monday, Priyanka Radhakrishnan became Newzealand first-ever Indian origin minister. Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, inducted five ministers into her executive.

Priyanka Radhakrishnan, 41, born in India and went to school in Singapore before moving to New Zealand for her for the education, she has spent her work life advocating on behalf of people whose voice is often heard on women survivors of domestic violence and migrant workers have been exploited .she was elected first as a member of parliament belonging to the labour party in September 2017.

In  2019, she was appointed the Parliamentary Private Secretary of the Minister ethnic communities can work in that area, helped to build the base of a new role minister for diversity inclusion and ethnic communities and she has become the minister for the community and voluntary sector and Associate minister for social development and employment.

The New Zealand Herald newspaper quoted Indian Weekender as saying, "New Zealand first ever kiwi Indian minister".

Prime Minister, Ardern while announcing the name of the new Prime Minister said that "I am excited to be bringing in some new talent with the first experience in the areas that they will be working in and reflecting the New Zealand that elected as on 17th of October within this line up I am playing to the people strength this is a cabinet and an executive that is based on merit but also happens to the incredibly diverse" days after her Centre left labour party won and a landslide victory in the country's general election and said that much of what we are focused on is making sure we have got our economic recovery hastened.

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