The award was presented by Sarah Jessica Parker...
Priyanka Chopra was honored with a prestigious award at the 2024 Red Sea Film Festival held in Jeddah. The award was presented by Sarah Jessica Parker, who expressed her privilege in handing it to Priyanka. Priyanka was joined by her husband, actor-singer Nick Jonas, as they graced the red carpet together. Priyanka, dressed in a glittering gown, looked stunning, while Nick complemented her in a sharp black blazer and trousers paired with a white shirt. The couple smiled warmly as they posed for the cameras.
Sharing photos from the event, Priyanka expressed gratitude, saying, "Thank you for the wonderful honor, Red Sea Film Festival. Congratulations to all winners and participants. Here's to continuously uniting the world of entertainment."
During her speech, Priyanka thanked Sarah Jessica Parker for her kind words and called her an inspiration to many. She reflected on her journey, starting at 18 in the Hindi and Telugu film industries, which largely catered to non-English audiences. She recalled how, years ago, she was told that non-English films lacked global reach. However, events like the Red Sea Film Festival have created a welcoming platform where filmmakers worldwide can share stories beyond language or national boundaries.
Priyanka emphasized the privilege of working in the film industry, calling it one of the most creative and rewarding professions. She expressed gratitude for the opportunity to bring people together through cinema and celebrate the art form without barriers.
She also thanked her colleagues and family, with a special mention of Nick Jonas. "My wonderful husband, ever the gentleman, is here to escort me down," she remarked. Priyanka shared heartfelt memories of her late father, who inspired her with his joy for entertainment and his ability to be both confident and vulnerable. She acknowledged how his influence shaped her as an artist.
Priyanka congratulated the festival's organizers, winners, and participants for their contributions to the world of cinema.
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