Celebrating Family Time...
The Indian Actress Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas have been enjoying their parenthood journey since the arrival of their daughter, Malti Marie. The little baby girl one captured attention for some days ago with her antics at her father's concert in Florida. They both was spotted arriving at Disney World, along with their baby girl. The family also posed for the crazy picture in Orlando, creating best memories together.
The family’s Buff couldn't help but show their love in the comments. A person shared, “How lovely seeing them out with their families, having fun!” while another wrote, “So nice to see family having a nice time. “In another post by a fan, unwatched pictures of Priyanka, Nick, and Malti were shared. The only picture captures the trio enjoying some pool party time, creating amazing memories together.
She has been a presence at her husband Nick Jonas's concerts as he tours with his brothers Kevin and Joe. The Priyanka Chopra is often seen in a glamorous avatar, wholeheartedly supporting and cheering for Nick from the fans. Some visual also featured Kevin and Danielle's daughter, Valentina, enjoying the concert while sitting on Priyanka's shoulders.
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