Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani’s Kabir Singh emerged as a humongous success when Kabir Singh was released on 21 June as two years of Kabir Singh mark special for Shahid Kapoor on Monday, Shahid Kapoor took his social media account, where he came live to interact with his fans as the commercial success in the live session he said about the character actor of Kanir Singh who was “flawed and broken” the actor of Kabir Singh was violent, possessive lover in Sandeep Reddy Vanga’s 2019 Hindi remake of the Telugu film Arjun Reddy.
Kabir Singh became a popular film, not because of Shahid Kapoor but also the credit given to the songs of the film.Shahid Kapoor also addressed this movie as his lovable film he also thanked all his fans for making his flawed and broken character successful Shahid Kapoor about how difficult was it to get in the character of Kabir Singh with the character soul and heart .Shahid Kapoor is also grateful for his wife who told him to pursue the Kabir Singh role. As she loved the movie.
Shahid Kapoor now also will be seen next in Jersey. He is also set to make his web series debut with a project helmed by The Family Man creators Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK.
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