Indian actress Shilpa Shetty, recently has shared a statement on her official account for the first time after her husbands Raj Kundra arrest in pornography case on July, 19 , she spoke about the difficulties, allegation she faced after her husbands arrest and how her family was dragged in the whole controversy
Recently Shilpa Shetty took to her Instagram account post along with a huge caption where she wrote, “A lot of trolling/questions posed… not only to me but also to my family. MY STAND… I HAVE NOT COMMENTED YET and will continue to refrain from doing so in this case as it is subjudice, so please stop attributing false quotes on my behalf”.
She also stated that, “As a family, we are taking recourse to all our available legal remedies. But, till then I humbly request you - especially as a MOTHER - to respect our privacy for my children’s sake and request you to refrain from commenting on half-baked information without verifying the veracity of the same. I am a proud law-abiding Indian citizen and a hardworking professional for the last 29 years.”
She ended her post with the powerful statement “We don’t deserve a media trial. Please let the law take its course. Satyamev Jayate! With Positivity and Gratitude, Shilpa Shetty Kundra”.
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