Karan Johar, Farah Khan, and Malaika Arora set to be the judges...
The reality television show Jhalak Dikhlaa Jaa 11 is all set to hit the TV screens in upcoming days. The show will return to its real channel after many years. According to the resources, Karan Johar, Farah Khan, and Malaika Arora will be the judges of the show while Gauahar Khan is being speculated to co-host the show. One of the most talked about contestants this season is Shoaib Ibrahim. Sources have expressed that the actor was in a dual mind about taking up the show. Also, he has now decided to participate in the show.
According to the resources that the Indian Dancer Anuradha Iyengar has been roped in as Shoaib's choreographer partner.she was Nishant Bhatt'a's dance partner in JDJ 10. He has been a part of many reality shows and commands a finesse over many dance forms. We got in touch with the Anuradha but she refused to reveal any information about the project.
The show is a celebrity dance-based on reality show wherein celebrities from other walks of life put on their dancing shoes along with their respective choreographer partners.Several celebrities have been approached for the show. In the last season, the dancer Gunjan Sinha lifted the trophy defeating famous celebrities like Faisal Khan and Rubina Dilaik. The reality show was judged by the Nora Fatehi, Madhuri Dixit, and Karan Johar.
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