Short Film Elephant Whisperers wins Oscar Award...

This is a turning point for Indian cinema...

Sunday, March 12 evening was amazing for India in all ways. The ‘Elephant Whisperers’ won Best Documentary Short at the 95th Oscars Award. It portrays the beauty of India and its diverse culture in such dramatical ways.

Now, what the Oscar wins on March 12 for India mean is that opportunities will open not just for actors, filmmakers and technicians in Hollywood but for content from the Nation.

The foreign audience, which believed so far that all Indian cinema was unrealistic over-the-top loud musicals, has now seen that there are diverse categories of content that exist just like in the West.

One must also credit a large part of this awakening to international OTT platforms, like Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, which produce and showcase diverse Indian content WorldWide.

The documentary, Elephant Whisperers was produced by Guneet Monga’s Sikhya Entertainment. It was globally distributed by Netflix.

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