More than 4k Followers followed her account after her murder...
A low-key social media user, Shraddha Walkar had 120 followers on Instagram. After her death, allegedly by the hands of her partner live-in Aaftab Poonwala, her followers on instagram has been grown to 5,117. Some of them have shown their sympathies and condolences towards her death, while a large number of people have made hate posts that suggested she invited her terrible fate.
On May 18 at there rented house in South Delhi’s chhattarpur pahadi area, Accused is, Poonawala, 28 of murdering Walkar, 27, and dumped her body parts in forested areas across the capital over a period of three months. The couple had moved to their rented house in the Capital just three days before the murder, they were originally from Vasai in Maharashtra.
On Instagram account, some blamed Walkar for being “ultra-modern” and going against her parent’s wishes and moving with her lover and opting for “western evils” like live-in relationship. And many wrote that she, a Hindu, deserved a this end because she had involved with a Muslim man.
“Only cyberspace offers a platform to say exactly what you feel without being bound by societal norms or codes of conduct… The internet lets you get away with it,” said Dr Bhatia.
According to Cyber police officers, there will be many ways in which this can be controlled, but the parties concerned should have to take some steps to start the process.
“Since the account was being used by a murder victim, the investigating agency will need to examine it as evidence. Hence, the account can be saved while made it inactive. This can be done if the investigating agency writes to Instagram. Her family can also give a letter to the local cyber police station,” a police officer from Mumbai said.
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