Woman Shot At In Delhi Court

She was immediately rushed to hospital&

New Delhi: On Friday morning, 21 April 2023, A woman was injured in an incident of firing inside a Delhi court complex, the police said.

The woman was then immediately rushed to the hospital by a police officer present there.

The incident took place in Saket’s District Court.

The woman was in the court for a hearing in a case related to a financial dispute when a person shot her, a senior police officer said.

Four rounds were fired, according to the news agency ANI.

The incident comes days after two men on bikes shot a lawyer in southwest Delhi's Dwarka. The attackers had posed as lawyers to enter the court.

In the wake of the killing, a petition was filed in the Delhi High Court seeking the safety of legal professionals.

The petitioners stated their concern about their own safety has been "aggravated by seeing the visuals and video of the cold-blooded murder of an influential and senior member of the Bar" and if "The Advocates Protection Act" is not passed in Delhi, the audacity of criminals to commit crimes against lawyers will increase.


There has been a rise in incidents of violence inside the court premises in the national capital for professionals.

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