Earth Day is celebrated to save the environment...
All across the world every year World Earth Day is celebrated. The day has importance to create awareness of environmental protection and to observe initiatives.
People pledge to protect the environment. Now several countries celebrate every year Earth Week from April 22 to April 29.
As the temperature is rising all across the world and the depletion natural sources, global warming creating issues.
Due to deforestation the species of animals, birds, and insects suffering and endangered, and many species were extinct from the world. It is very important to start taking initiative for protecting the environment.
Every year Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 to save the environment. Nature is our home, and we tackle a lot from it so it is our responsibility that we should give it back also.
Events are also created every year by many organisations to create awareness. The theme for this year’s Earth Day is in continuation to the theme that was followed last year – Invest in our planet.
It is high time to turn to sustainable approaches to save the planet, after all, this is the only planet we have.
“I only feel angry when I see waste. When I see people throwing away things we could use.” —Mother Teresa.
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