35-year-old man poisoned his mother...

Ended his life too...

In Rajkot, a 35-year-old man allegedly poisoned his mother first and then consume it by himself ending both lives. Sikandar Lingadiya, who was a driver, in a purported video which he left behind he confess in it that he was ending his life because he fails to "do anything substantial for his family". 


Both Sikandar and his mother Amina Lingadiya (80) were found dead at Ghanshyam Nagar on Kothariya Road. 


The son had poisoned the mother later himself and died, the Bhaktinagar police said based on a complaint filed by daughter of Amina, Reshma Kapadvanji (45) on Monday. On late Sunday night Bhaktinagar police booked Sikandar for his mother's murder. 


When the neighbor of Amina informed about the incident of her mother and brother lying unconscious inside their house in Ghanshyam Nagar then Reshma came to know at around 5 pm on March 25, the FIR states. 


Investigation of the incident was started, we also noted that the video was recorded in a phone which belongs to Sikandar that we had seized for the purpose of investigation. Incident was reported on March 25,” Mayurdhwajsinh Sarvaiya, inspector incharge of Bhaktinagar police station, said.


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