The accused threatened her...
JAIPUR: A 14-year-old girl was allegedly abducted and raped by her classmate multiple times. On Monday the girl in her FIR said that she studied in a private school in the city where he befriended her classmate.
On the pretext of a vacation the accused took her to New Delhi and also snatched Rs 25,000 which she was carrying for the trip. The accused allegedly raped her in a hotel there.
Then the boy allegedly took her to Kanpur in Uttar Pradesh where he again raped her. The accused then asked her to leave for Jaipur on a bus from Kanpur.
She reached Jaipur on a bus where she did not reveal her ordeal to her parents initially. She resumed going to her school, but the accused began giving threats to her.
He also threatened to get her killed if she did not follow his orders, he then took her to his house in Uttar Pradesh where he again raped her.
The police said that they have filed a case against the accused under IPC Sections 323 (voluntarily causing hurt), 363 (kidnapping), 376 (rape), and relevant provisions of the POCSO Act.
The victim's identity has not been revealed to protect her privacy as per Supreme Court directives on cases related to sexual assault.
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