AIIMS MBBS Supplementary Exam 2021 postponed.
AIIMS MBBS supplementary Exam 2021 postponed. The test was scheduled for May 2021. The entire India Institute of Medical Science has postponed the AIIMS MBBS Supplementary Exam 2021. The tests are scheduled for May 2021. The Second MBBS and Final MBBS supplementary tests have been postponed. Applicants can view the official notice on the official AIIMS site at
Also, the Practical / Clinical / Viva-voce test dates have been postponed. Tests have been postponed due to the emerging situation associated with the outbreak of COVID19 disease nationwide. Authority doesn’t want to risk any student’s life as the nation is already going through a tough time.
The official notice reads, “Due to the volatile nature associated with the COVID-19 outbreak and the decision of the relevant authority in this regard, compliance with the supplementary Examination test has been postponed until further notice. Therefore, the dates for the above Practical / Clinical / Viva-voce test scheduled for May 2021 have been postponed and the same will be determined by the relevant authority in due course and will be announced in due course.”
The test will be performed in a computer-based test. This action will be in two languages - English and Hindi. Each correct answer is given 1 mark and incorrect by 1/3 marks. This paper will include questions from Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (10 + 2 level of CBSE), GK, and Logical Reasoning.
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