Diksha Shinde, a 14-year-old girl from Aurangabad, was selected as a panelist on the Virtual Scholarship Panel of the Minority Serving Institution (MSI) of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Diksha Shinde, a 10th grade student, had submitted an essay entitled "Questioning the Existence of God" in September 2020 after reading Stephen Hawking's books, but it was rejected. Resubmitted the article with some changes in October 2020, but was rejected a second time. “So I decided to submit a research paper on 'Black Hole' in December 2020 that NASA accepted and liked. I won a research competition organized by the International Astronomical Search Collaboration. In it, I tentatively discovered the 'main belt asteroid' ", she told sources.
She was accepted by the International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering in May of this year. In June, Shinde was selected as a panelist for NASA's MSI 2021 Virtual Scholarship Panel. "I accepted the offer and will start work shortly. My job is to review proposals from researchers and describe a collaborative approach to conducting research with NASA and understanding the relationship between the proposed research area and the academic discipline of the students, " she said. Shinde said she was participating in investigative interviews every other day. You work every other day between 1 and 4 am You are paid for the work of the panelists.
Her father Krishna Shinde is the principal of a non-subsidized school and her mother Ranjana Shinde takes private lessons. The young researcher says she will be training at NASA at 18. Shinde will be attending a conference in October and NASA will bear all of her costs.
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