From KG to class 8, all children will be promoted in the next class

Students of classes 3 to 8 will be evaluated on the basis of assessment

Government schools and government aided schools in Delhi will not have final exams from class 3 to class 8, but will be promoted to the next class. At the same time, all children from KG to Class 2 will also be promoted in the next class. Schools have been closed since March last year due to Covid 19 and in view of this the Directorate of Education has taken this decision. However, students of classes 3 to 8 will be evaluated based on the assignment / project assessment. This assessment will also be done for KG and Class 2. The Directorate of Education states that the objective of the assessment is to know only the effect of alternative learning systems on children.

The Directorate of Education has decided that they will not be assessed for the primary and middle level through pen-paper mode, but will be evaluated through subject wise projects and assignments. However, all the Enroll students will be sent to the next class in the academic session 2021-22. All children from KG to Class 2 will be promoted to the next class, although they will also be evaluated by the Directorate, to find out what effect the alternative learning system has on them. The Directorate of Education said that this will also help him in deciding the learning strategy for the next session. Last year too, these students were promoted to the next class due to Covid 19.

The Education Directorate has announced the Evaluation Process for KG to Class 8. Students of classes 3 to 5 will also have 30 marks for assignments out of 30 marks for worksheets and 40 marks for assignments / projects to be given from March 1 to March 15. At the same time, for classes 6 to 8, the weightage of worksheets will be 20, the winter break assistant weightage is 30 and from March 1 to March 15 the weightage of the assignment / project will be 50. Subject teachers will give assignments and projects to these children in March.


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