On Friday morning, a single-floor house collapsed in the Shivaji Nagar area of Govandi in eastern Mumbai Three persons succumbed to injuries while seven people have been injured, the rescue operations are underway.
On Friday morning, a single-floor house collapsed in the Shivaji Nagar area of Govandi in eastern Mumbai Three persons succumbed to injuries while seven people have been injured, the rescue operations are underway. The disaster management cell told the incident took place in the early morning around 4.30 am. 7 people were taken to Rajawadi Hospital and 3 to Sion Hospital. In its statement the BMC said, for the rescue operation process, seven fire engines and one rescue van were there along with police and other agencies to help out. The debris was cleaned out by the local BMC workers and the firemen.
From the official news, Neha Parvez and Mokar Shaikh were dead, whereas Shamshad Shaikh's condition was critical. Another body was removed from debris and sent to Rajawadi hospital. Further information about the collapse of the single–floor is awaited.
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