On December 16
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will virtually address an agro and food processing summit. The summit will take place on December 16 in Gujarat.
According to an official, it said, 'this summit will be organized on the campus of the Anand Agricultural University from December 14 to December 16 as a part of the event in the run-up to the Vibrant Gujarat global summit 2022."
As per the information given by release, it said Union Minister of Home Affairs and Cooperation, Amit Shah, Narendra Singh Tomar, Agriculture Minister and Chief Minister Gujarat, Bhupendra Patel will be presented during the event and also attend a valedictory event to be held at Sardar Patel auditorium of Amil at Anand. The release also mentioned that event will cover 19 focused themes across 15 knowledge sessions, more than 90 speakers from national and international organizations, and over 300 companies from across the globe will exhibit innovative agro solutions.
According to the statement mentioned in the release, it said, "The demo cutting edge approach of nano fertilizer application by drones will be the centre of attraction. The event also focuses on co-operation -"Sahakar se samriddhi."
The theme,"Agro and food processing:Entering a new era of cooperation Atma Nirbhar Krishi" will see the participation of over 5,000 farmers from 23 different states. The summit will be inaugurated by Gujarat Governor Acharya Devvrat and Union minister of fisheries, animal husbandry, and dairying Parshottam Rupala on December 14 (tomorrow).
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